Sunday, May 24, 2015

A Museum, A Garden, and the Train Back to Cusco

On Sunday, May 17, we took the afternoon train back to Cusco.  After a late breakfast we walked down the road and along the river, a 45 minute jaunt mainly downhill for a couple of septagenarians feeling the effects of the previous day's climbing, to a very interesting museum with information about the excavations and Inca building practices.  Next to the museum was a botanical garden with extensive labeling of all the trees and plants.  This time of year most of the flowers were not in blossom, but with all the orchids and other plants it must be spectacular in their springtime.  Unfortunately, the walk back to town was, naturally, uphill.  We were glad to relax and be fed and entertained by the train staff.  Our Cusco hotel sent a driver for us, and we settled in for another four nights in Cusco (the Rumi Punku hotel, where we had the largest bed we've ever slept in).

A Walk Along the Urubamba River.  Poinsetta Tree on the Left
Bootleg Photo ("No Photos Allowed" Signs Posted Everywhere) of Gold Objects in the Museum.  Star Shaped Item Was the Top of a Mace

Original Inca Steps Down to the Garden.  I Took an Easier Path

Path Through Bontanical Garden

Butterfly in the Garden

Entertainment on the Train
One of Several Courtyards at the Rumi Punku

Nick Reading Email on His Phone

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