Sunday, November 9, 2014

Sunday at the Temple Mount

This morning we took a taxi to the access point for the Temple Mount, then joined a line of tourists and tour groups.  Jews are forbidden by Israeli and religious law to enter the Mount, although this is currently being debated by both religious and government authorities.  The Jewish religious rationale is that Jews must undergo certain purification rites, not available at this point, in order to ascend the Mount.  Some rabbis, however, claim that these rites are needed for only certain parts of the Mount.  The government has adopted the religious position of non-entry for Jews, probably to prevent further violence?  Anyway, it's very complicated and we certainly can't claim to understand it.  We had to have our purse and backpack searched and then pass through a metal detector, show our passports and then were asked if we were Jewish before being allowed to enter the ramp up to the site.  A group of young Jewish men were at the security point, asking for entry  (knowing they would be refused).  They then stood below and chanted and sang, as groups of Muslim men up on the Mount counter-chant.  Most of the activity up on the Mount was from tour groups of various nationalities, and after wandering around for awhile, we exited via the Gate of the Chain.  As we wandered up the street, another group of young Jewish men appeared and began to chant, sing and dance.  A group of Muslim women coming down the street first covered their ears and then began to chant in opposition.  It seemed symbolic of the ongoing problems in Jerusalem. 

Tomorrow we pick up a rental car and begin nine days of touring other parts of Israel.
The dome of the Al Aqsa Mosque, from the Line Waiting to Enter the Mount

Foot Washing Facility at the Mosque
Trying to Assimilate at the Al Aqsa Mosque

The Dome of the Rock

Nick With His Right Foot Planted on What Some Consider the Center of the Earth

Jewish Youth Singing and Dancing at the Gate of the Chain

Muslim Women Counter Protesters

Young Jewish Men Being Refused Entry
Order from the Chief Rabbinate Barring Entry

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